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Software Projects
by Kursiv Publishing House
Software Projects
by Kursiv Publishing House
Last updated: May 24, 2024
PressPerCent icon
Calculate press ink key pre-settings,
estimate ink consumption, preview and check print jobs
with a single, affordable software tool (More…)
Excentro icon
Create backgrounds, borders, rosettes
and other guilloche designs on your Mac
with Excourse Excentro (More…)

PressPerCent icon
Calculate press ink key pre-settings,
estimate ink consumption,
preview and check print jobs
with a single, affordable software tool (More…)

Excentro icon
Create backgrounds, borders, rosettes
and other guilloche designs on your Mac
with Excourse Excentro (More…)

News & Updates

May 24, 2024

  • Due to certain issues that are beyond our control online purchases are (temporary) disabled.

January 8, 2024

  • New versions (2.0.5) of Excentro and Excentro Lite are available for download.

November 23, 2023

  • New version of PressPerCent (3.6.7) is available for download.

October 18, 2023

  • New version of PressPerCent (3.6.6) is available for download.

  • New versions (2.0.4) of Excentro and Excentro Lite are available for download.

August 8, 2023

  • New version of PressPerCent (3.6.5) is available for download.

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